Adidas LDN Challenge

Interactive Experience
Nerdindustries GmbH, Hamburg
This game can be experienced in the Adidas flagship store located at Oxford Street, London. It can be played solo or with up to 4 individuals in cooperative mode. You can choose from 3 different game types: Football, Basketball and Tennis. How long can you stay in the game? Your objective is to get to the next goal point as fast as you can. You start with a time budget of 90s and you’ll get bonus seconds along the way. It’s as simple and challanging as this: Run as fast as you can to get top scores!


  • advanced tracking with depth sensing cameras
  • 6×12 meters floor led screen
  • 6×3 meters wall led screen
  • players can take a picture of themselves (e.g. for social media)
  • companion website (download image, submit leaderboard name)
What I did:

Software Development & Consulting

  • experience framework (Unity)
  • gamplay implementation
  • interfacing with tracking backend
  • interfacing with web backend
  • on-premise installation support